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Are you the next EWF Best European Welding Coordinator?

Fri, 17 May, 2024

The European Federation for Welding, Joining and Cutting (EWF) award made annually to recognise the achievements of an EWE diploma holder in delivering the responsibilities of a welding coordinator in accordance with ISO 14731, ISO 3834‐2, EN 15085‐2 or EN 1090‐1.

In 2023 we witnessed Veronica Warner from Babcock International win the EWF Award for The Best European Welding Coordinator for 2022. She followed our previous winners Dr Clint Wildash from OneSubsea in 2015 and Alan Robinson from Arc Energy in 2012.

Now applications are open for the 2023 and we would like to invite you to apply.* 

The application* process requires individuals to provide a statement (500 words maximum) expressing how they feel their EWE diploma or Certified EWE (CEWE) certification has contributed to their competence in welding coordination and their career achievement(s). 

The nomination must be submitted to the local Authorised Nominated Body (ANB) (TWI Certification Limited for the UK) and include a verified, current CV. Please send your application documentation to 

The nomination must also include a statement (1000 words maximum) from their employer or a direct client organisation and must express how the competence of the nominee has contributed to the quality of their welded production. The contribution can be related to project outcomes, efficiency of operation, growth of the enterprise, or development of skills or technical capability, but the personal involvement and responsibilities of the nominee must be clearly identified. The nomination may refer to published works but must contain sufficient detail to enable the nomination to be assessed on the basis of the text of the nomination alone.

The EWF Secretariat will inform the winner, the nominating person/organisation, and the local ANB of the decision.

In previous years, the award included free registration for an EWF event (held in Oeiras, Portugal) and 1000€ to support their winners travel and accommodation to participate in the event. The Award Certificate and cheque will be presented during the event. The winner and their employer will receive publicity through the EWF website and newsletter. The EWF Awards Committee will select the winner by 15 September, and the winner will be notified by 30 September 2024.

*Please bear in mind that you must base your application about your employer, and they must be listed on TWI CL's Register of Certified Companies and meet the requirements of award - details of which can be found on the below document. 

EWF-GA-148-12-Award-Best-European-Welding-Coordinator - pdf - 72kb

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